Nyby's Nerdy Neuroscience Narratives
Musings on behavioral neuroscience topics @ Lehigh site
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Depression I: Neuroanatomy of Depression
Depression II: What Happens In The Brain To Cause Depression?
Depression III: Monoamine Antidepressants: First-Line Drugs for Major Depression
Depression IV: Newer Pharmacotherapies for Depression
Depression V: Background For Ketamine, a Psychedelic Antidepressant
Depression VI: Ketamine, A Psychedelic Antidepressant
Depression VII: Background for Antidepressant Effects of Traditional Psychedelics
Depression VIII: Will the FDA Approve Psilocybin as an Antidepressant?
Psychedelic Use in Psychiatry
Your Brain On THC, The Psychoactive Ingredient In Marijuana
Addiction I: The Role of Reward in Addiction
Addiction II: Is Addiction a Highly Maladaptive Form of Learning?
Addiction III: Is Addiction Caused by Your Genes?
Addiction IV: Pharmacological Strategies For Treating Drug Abuse/Addiction.
Addiction V. Why do some drug users become addicted and others not?
The Vertebrate Brain: From Fish to Human.
Sleep I: EEG And The Scientific Study of Sleep
Sleep II: Frequently Asked Questions about Sleep.
Sleep III. The Neuroscience of Sleepiness.
Sleep IV: What Causes REM Sleep?
Sleep V: Get a good night’s sleep. It’s good for your brain! (Part 1)
Sleep VI: Get a good night’s sleep. It’s good for your brain! (Part 2: The Glymphatic Hypothesis)
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